Beauty,  Beauty & Fashion

Current Makeup Must-Haves

A few months ago, Josh and I went home for the weekend to see family.  I’d packed my makeup bag with me, but hadn’t packed half of my makeup products.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  I had to run out to get a couple of items and borrowed a few from my Mom.  It wasn’t a huge deal, and I survived lol.  The thing is, back home we don’t have an Ulta or a Sephora close by.  So it got me to thinking, what if I’d gone home and left ALL of my makeup in Chattanooga?!  Which products would I be most upset about and have a hard time finding a drug store dupe?  (first world problems, I know, I know)For the most part, in my opinion, high end makeup products are easily replaced with drug store products, but these four CAN NOT be imitated or duplicated!!  These are my makeup must-haves, listed in order of importance just because I’m feeling extra tonight.

Makeup Must-Haves:

  1.  Beauty Blender  The original!  The one and only!  Brushes nor fingers can get the job done like a Beauty Blender can.  I use it to apply my foundation, concealer, AND to set my powder.  I use it to tone down highlighter.  I use it to contour.  I use it for most every product that I apply to the skin.  It blends perfectly and removes excess makeup so you don’t end up with “cake face”.  Whether you pounce, beat, or press and roll, you need a beauty blender in your makeup collection!!
  2. Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder Ah!  The loose powder of the angels!  This stuff is incredible.  I have tried other high end setting powders and I’ve tried drug store brands.  None compare.  First off, if you wear concealer you HAVE to set it with translucent powder.   ESPECIALLY your under eyes.  I sometimes set my entire face with it, and it’s still feels so light and has a beautiful finish.  My second most important must have!
  3. Tarte Shape Tape There are a few concealers that I truly love, but I have to say this is probably my ride or die.  Excellent coverage, buildable, and beautiful finish.  You also only need a tiny bit!  One tube will last you a long time!
  4. Benefit Hoola Bronzer This is my ultimate go-to bronzer!  It doubles as my bronzer and eyeshadow.  Let’s be honest, most days I never even open my eyeshadow palettes.  I also use it as a lip contour (to make your lips look bigger!).  It doesn’t give you that weird orange look, there’s no shimmer, and it’s just a beautiful basic color.

There ya have it!  My makeup must-haves!  This is what I typically look like every single day, and these four products are the most important ones in helping me get this look!  From one makeup product junkie to another, happy blending!! =)


DeAndra Lynette