
Increase Productivity and Enjoy Life

Who doesn’t enjoy life more when you’re being super efficient and productive? It’s easier to relax and unwind when you’ve knocked off everything on your to-do list, right?  I knocked off quite a few important things on my to-do list this week, so I was able to totally unwind and enjoy date night last night with Josh.  I have so many cute summer outfits I want to share with you guys, but the rain is really killing my vibe.  Luckily, I came up with this adorable little outfit last minute.  I think it’s easily dressed up or down and appropriate for day or night time!  Outfit details below:

  • Guess Denim Vest I have been obsessed with Guess for as long as I can remember, even when it wasn’t super cool or in style to wear Guess.  This is from the Guess outlet!
  • Betta Butt Jeans You’re gonna click on this link just for the name, am I right?? HAHA.  These contour so perfectly to your curves.  I love and you can’t beat the price.
  • Off Shoulder Crop I got this pale pink crop here about a year ago, so it isn’t available. But this one is SOO cute, I may like it more!  I also may order this while I’ve got it pulled up.  So adorable.
  • Target Wedges Again, these wedges are about a year old so I can’t find them, but I’m dying for these right now!!!  I may just order them too haha!

Back to productivity.  I’m 95% sure I have undiagnosed ADD, so focus is REALLY hard for me.  I oftentimes wonder how I made it through school with surprisingly good grades.  I’m perpetually late.  I DESPISE busy work and administration work of any kind.  I’m a dreamer, a creative, and have a million ideas running through my head at all times; business ideas, future plans, trying to read people, creating little stories in my head, reminiscing on fond childhood memories, etc. The point of all this is just to say that I know myself.  I understand how my brain operates and the boundaries I need to set up for myself so I can be as productive as possible.  So, these are the tips and tricks I’ve cultivated over the years to keep myself in check and INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY:

  1.  EXERCISE.  If I’m not working out a minimum of 3 times a week, it’s over.  I will nap when I get home from work, have a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings, BRAIN FOG, my moods will be all over the place, a little anxiety will start to creep in, and I feel beyond fatigued.  Working out isn’t an option for me, its’a must.  I have told Josh before to keep me in check too.  If I’m not on it, I’ve given him permission to tell me to get up off my butt and get a workout in.  Find someone else to keep you accountable if you need help.  If I’m not exercising regularly, I’ll experience all the above things and there will be ZERO productivity in my life.
  2. DISCIPLINE OVER MOTIVATION.  No one is motivated to do something they don’t want to do.  There’s no amount of motivation that will get you up and out of bed to go to a job you hate, it’s discipline.  No amount of motivation will keep you on a healthy diet for the rest of your life, it’s discipline.  I’m the world’s worst procrastinator, so when there’s something I need to do that I keep putting off I have to discipline myself.  I literally scold myself and say “Dee, just go do this.  Do it well.  Do it right.  But just do it and get it over with!!”
  3. GRACE.  It’s okay if you don’t get all 10 things knocked off your to-do list.  We are not perfect. Sometimes it takes me a full week to get through a to-do list.  If I get the one or two of the MOST important things accomplished in a day though, that’s great! Pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you accomplished.  Wake up the next day though, and knock off something else.  Sometimes us humans like to take the grace and self-care thing too far though.  We say “Oh, I accomplished this great goal.  Now I’m going to rest and not work on something new.” Again, back to discipline.  Be nice to yourself, but don’t be too soft.
  4. MINDFULNESS.  This one is hard!!  If you find yourself wasting 2-3 hours a day watching netflix or scrolling instagram, seriously stop and ask yourself why.  What are you avoiding?  What are you running from?  Is it a relationship?  Is it a job you hate?  Is it that business you want to start but are terrified?  Are you disappointed in yourself for some reason?  Be honest with yourself.  This is a tough pill to swallow, but I think it’s so important for everyone.  Figure out what you’re “wasting time” on, and then take a personal inventory of your life to see what the missing puzzle piece is.  Then, take action to fill that time with something that brings you meaning and fulfillment.

This is probably harsh, but I swear I remind myself multiples times “You’re going to die, Dee.”  That’s about as blunt as it gets, and it’s usually a good way to kick myself in the behind and up my productivity.  There’s no sense in wasting what precious time we have here, am I right?!  I hope these tips help some of y’all be as productive as possible so you can enjoy some time off to relax, especially on weekends. If your brain and personality are anything like mine, I think they will definitely help you increase your productivity.  If it works for me, it should work for anyone =)


DeAndra Lynette