Fitness,  lifestyle

3 Super Easy Ways to Tone Up Without Trying

I never weigh myself. I have a number in my head that varies by 3-4 lbs and has been pretty consistent for the last 7-8 years of my life, so I just assume it’s the probably the same. With that being said, I base my “weight” off of how I feel and how my clothes fit. Be intuitive with your body and don’t let a scale rule your life. I know if I’ve eaten too much cheese or bread in a day or a week, and you probably do too. Be perceptive.

Anyway, with all that being said, I “intuitively” feel as though I have thinned out a little bit in the past few months. This is mainly based on how my clothes fit plus my waist is about a half inch smaller (I don’t weigh myself but I’m obsessive about my measurements and always track them LOL sue me). The really cool thing though is that I haven’t even been trying. My diet is essentially the same (minus one little tweak that I’ll share below) and I’m still doing my consistent intense workouts. So, I’m sharing the small changes that I’ve made because I think for a lot of people weight loss becomes this really daunting thing.

I do want to preface all this with the fact that weight and weight loss is not something I obsess over and wouldn’t encourage anyone else to either. Fitness, nutrition, and our overall wellness is not measured by the scale or how you look in a bikini. Wellness and how healthy I feel is always my main goal. Skinny or “fit” is NOT a reflection of a person’s health!

So, let’s get to it:

  1. Quit your job if you hate it. LOL I’m kidding (sort of). Chronic stress screws with your cortisol majorly, and I believe that screwed up hormones is the root of like 90% of illnesses (I know you all signed up for my medical opinions here). What I’m saying is if you have an unhealthy stressor in your life, you need to address it before it starts to affect your health and your waistline. I had some strange health things pop up (despite my healthy diet and fitness lifestyle) while I was working at my old job. I KNOW that I was holding onto a lot of inflammation and a few unwanted pounds simply because my body and mind were so stressed out. I feel 10 pounds lighter now that I’m working and pursuing things in life that bring me joy rather than force myself to go do a job that I hate day in and day out. If you want a more scientific explanation, please click here. To wrap this one up, get rid of or learn to manage your unhealthy stressors and watch your health and body change.
  2. Stop loading your smoothies down with sugar aka tons of fruit. If you’re new here, I drink a lot of smoothies. It’s an easy way to load up on tons of fruit and veggies and stay full for hours. I’ve been doing this for 6 years or more, but I do think I got into a bad habit of filling them up with lots of banana, pineapple, mango, and even pure maple syrup and honey. The Fab Four Smoothie that I literally drink every single day now has changed the game for me completely. I am SO thankful I discovered Kelly Leveque and her delicious smoothie recipes. I do think part of the secret is using this almond milk and collagen peptides powder. Try having this for breakfast every single day for a month, and I’m so confident you will see some small changes.
  3. Go for a walk or do some yoga. If you’re a fitness junkie, you may be rolling your eyes. I’ve been one for about 7 years now and it’s so easy to forget the importance of the basics. At the end of the day, you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym. If you want to, then go for it! But then allow your body and mind some recovery by going for a walk outside. Do some yoga to relax your mind and body, but still get some movement in. If you’re moving, you’re doing okay. I made myself a promise a couple of months ago to start walking again. I also started doing yoga again regularly a few weeks ago. I do these things on days I’m not at the gym. Such a simple formula for success that I had forgotten because I convince myself if I’m not sweating and sore the next day, then it doesn’t count. Relax your body and mind and just get a little movement in. There are so many benefits to walking for 30 minutes every day. Don’t believe me? Read some from my favorite Doctor ever.

That’s it, guys. Really simple but really effective ways to benefit your mind, body, and soul!

