
Quick Living Room Workout


I’ve been a gym junkie for years now.  I love doing group workouts, lifting weights alone, cardio with my husband (when I’m forced), yoga, barre, and everything in between.  But let’s be honest, sometimes you just really aren’t in the mood to go the gym.  Am I right?!

On those days I’m just not feeling a drive 5 minutes down the road (first world problems), I have some killer at-home workouts that’ll do the trick.  You don’t need a whole gym either, just a few items!

Working out isn’t just a vanity thing for me.  Sure, I want to look good in cute clothes (and out of clothes), but to be honest working out is a mental thing for me above all else.  I could go into the science of how working out releases serotonin and dopamine, but I’ll spare you and just say that it makes you SO HAPPY!  Working out is the cheapest anti-depressant on the market 🙂

SO, if you want to remain a happy, motivated cheerful person, but don’t want to leave your house (or even change out of your PJs), here’s a great workout you can do in your living room:

What you’ll need: A kettlebell (whatever weight you prefer), resistance band, jump rope, towel or yoga mat, and some water!


  1. First things first, get yourself warmed up with the jump rope.  Jump for about a minute.  If you need more of a warm up, jog in place, kick your legs out in front of you, or do some windmills.  Move your whole body.

2.  Kettlebell Swings! Do 50 of these. If you aren’t sure about form, please look up a tutorial so you don’t injure yourself.  These get your metabolism going like crazy!


3.  Kettlebell skull crushers.  Keep your elbows by your head so you will feel the burn during these.  Do 35.

4.  Hop down on the ground and give me 35!  This is where your mat or towel will come in handy for those knees (if you do girly push ups like I do).  I try to do regular push ups for as long as I can and then finish off with my knees down.

5.  Grab your resistance band and do lunges with a bicep curl.  Curl those arms when you go down into the lunge.  When you come up out of the lunge, release those arms.  Do 15 on each leg.

6.  Glute kickbacks with resistance band.  This is a little harder to explain, but it works your glutes like nothing else.  Get on all fours, handles of the band in your hands, and the center of the band in the center of one foot. Make sure your foot is flexed.  Bring you knee in then push back.  Do 15 of these on each leg.

7.  Russian Twist with kettlebell.  Feet up! Chest up! This is all core, babes.  Hold the kettlebell in the center of your body and then go side to side.  Flex and pull your abs in.  You’ll feel it!  Do 35 of these!

After you’ve finished this round, take a quick water break.  Repeat 1-2 times.  Or more if you’re up for it!

Working out doesn’t have to be time-consuming and it should never feel like a burden.  Sometimes I love going to the gym, but some days after a long day of work I just don’t want to be around a bunch of people.  It’s just how it is.  I’m sure some of you feel the same.

I hope you love doing this workout as much as I do.  Take care of your bodies!  They do so much for us.  The least we can do is show them a little bit of love!

